Building a Hurdy Gurdy

Story of a hurdy gurdy - Baptiste Schieberlein

Writen by

Builing a Hurdy Gurdy

Hello everyone !

It’s been a while now that I’m thinking about building my own Hurdy Gurdy ! After a lot of research and lots of talking with a luthier, I almost ready to start ! I wasn’t equiped and I didn’t had any place to build an intrument, but it has now been resolved because we moved to a house with a huge garage !! I built a workbench and i ordered some tools (but I’m still missing a lot of tools).

I’ve almost finished the blueprints. I just need to do some finishing :

The top will be made of spruce and the keys of the keyboard in ebony. The wheel will be made of birch plywood (because the wheel should be very stable). Anything else will be made of mapple wood (the back, the ribs, …).

A wood order should be placed very soon, and a router should arrived for christmass :D

See you soon :)