Building a Hurdy Gurdy

Story of a hurdy gurdy - Baptiste Schieberlein


Before starting

p>Some news before the real start : - the wood order has been placed last week = The wood should arrived at the end of the month :D - I've made about 20 spool clamps like these : - I've made some cutting tests, with a router (and a compas), of the hurdy gurdy wheel in some cheap plywood. Results are quite good, the wheel is perfectly round. But the cheap plywood is not good enough in order to have a clean cup.

Editing blueprints

I’ve made some modification on my blueprints. I like it much more like that !

Builing a Hurdy Gurdy

Hello everyone ! It’s been a while now that I’m thinking about building my own Hurdy Gurdy ! After a lot of research and lots of talking with a luthier, I almost ready to start ! I wasn’t equiped and I didn’t had any place to build an intrument, but it has now been resolved because we moved to a house with a huge garage !! I built a workbench and i ordered some tools (but I’m still missing a lot of tools).